SSP 1915 to 2025

USAF Space Program
In the late 1900s early airship designs subsequently led to multiple aerospace projects in 1930 by the USAF & NACA, which subsequently lead to the development of JPL and NASA under the auspices of von Braun whilst across the pond the Soviets had their classified military program Космическая программа СССР from the 1930s
December 11, 2022 at 2:08 PM ET, the twin to APOLLO 11 made her maiden vovage to Kingu via ARTEMIS 1
Man is ready to return to the stars.
This is the untold story that came before

The moon rolled into the SKY
It was placed, thus
First to receive its own table of Destiny
Kingu, most ancient wonder awaits to reveal her legacy to Mankind


"The Earth is the cradle of mankind, but one cannot live in the cradle forever."

The Space Race

October 4 1957
“Heroes and men of courage will inaugurate the first airways: Earth to Moon orbit, Earth to Mars orbit, and still farther; Moscow to the Moon, Kaluga to Mars!” – Tsiolkovsky May Day 1935
On October 4, 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth twenty-two years later.

Saturn V
Falcon 9
U.S. Department of the Army
MISSION: To establish a permanently-manned lunar outpost, powered by nuclear reactors and armed with spy cameras and nuclear weapons
AIM: By permanently occupying the Moon, before the Soviets, the US can lay claim to prior ownership
Controlling the Moon is one of the vital keys to winning the Cold War

First Spacewalk

Alexei Leonov

18 March 1965

Lunokhod: First manmade objects to the Moon
Lunokhod 2
tire tracks
50 years
Lunokhod 1
[Nov 10th 1970
- Oct 1971]
Traversed: 10.5km
Operational: 322 Earth days
(11 Lunar days)
Built to survive 3 lunar days
(90 Earth days)

1971 was a crummy year for the Soviet Mars program.
Of the four robotic spacecraft the USSR sent toward the Red Planet that year, one never made it out of Earth orbit, two were stymied by Martian dust storms, and another crashed into Mars like a speeding bullet.
Using a sophisticated landing system unmatched until later NASA missions like Pathfinder and Spirit, Mars 3 successfully landed on the Martian surface 50 years ago on December 2, 1971, becoming the first spacecraft to successfully complete a soft landing on another planet. It opened its flower-like shell, turned on its television cameras — and promptly died.
“It only worked, for 15 to 20 seconds,”
It had a complete science payload, including the PrOP-M rover, which would have been the first powered vehicle to traverse another planet’s surface by a number of decades.
“The lander itself was kind of an egg-shaped spacecraft with these four petals that opened up after the soft landing was achieved.”
- The orbiters would release the landers while still traveling toward Mars at full speed
- The landers would use their heat shields to aerobrake, using the friction of the thin Martian atmosphere to convert kinetic energy to heat, slowing the landers to mere supersonic speeds
- Then they would deploy the real innovation — the supersonic parachute“It’s not easy to design a parachute that can work in a very thin atmosphere and at supersonic speeds,”

First image transmitted from Mars, taken by the Russian Mars 3 probe on the 2nd of December 1971. Mars 3 was an unmanned space probe from the Soviet Mars program that lasted from 1960 to 1973. This photograph is a partial image transmitted from Mars 3 that appears to show a horizon and sky. However, according to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, there is nothing identifiable at all in the photograph and its proper orientation is 90 degrees

“We now know how to travel to the stars”
Ben Rich
(former head of Lockheed Skunk Works)
UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93
“The Air Force has just given us a contract to take ET back home”
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of GOD to ever get them out to benefit humanity”
“There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars, and it won’t take a lifetime to do it."


True Colour Of Moon
VS Desaturated

Moon Bases
“…We were brushing them out, because we didnt want people to confuse em with stars…”

Tsiolkovskiy Crater
Tsiolkovskiy is a large impact crater located on the far side of the Moon.
Named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 – 1935) who pioneered astronautic theory.
USSR Cosmonauts landed on the Moon first.
It is named thus, after 2 cosmonauts crashed and died on the far side.

Disclaimer: The SSP represents an ongoing body of IP visual works. Whilst of a speculative nature, these are based on historical data, interweaved with fact based fiction; Sci-Faction. Any errors, rest solely upon our shoulders & fertile imaginations.
Sept 1962 | Space, A MANIFEST DESTINY

American-Soviet Moon Landing
Sep 20th 1963
First Moon landing was nearly a US–Soviet mission
At the UN, Kennedy proposed to Khrushchev, a joint Soviet and US crewed lunar program.
His vision was to form an Apollo programme that would build bridges between the two superpowers, instead of heightening cold-war rivalries.
Khrushchev insisted that such discussion should await the negotiation of a nuclear-test-ban treaty. Kennedy revisited the idea of cooperation repeatedly thereafter.
The proposal disappeared with Kennedy's assassination two months later

1967 Outer Space Treaty
“Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies”
The various global parallel space programs & conflicts went dark by 196o’s.
Thus, any future American military presence on the moon became an impossibility when the United States, Soviet Union and United Kingdom signed an outer space treaty in 1967.
The Outer Space Treaty legislation deals with land ownership in space, and controls what countries are allowed to do regarding space exploration. However, such a clause is not covered by scientific research within a private capacity.
“non-appropriation of outer space by any one country, arms control, the freedom of exploration, liability for damage caused by space objects, the safety and rescue of spacecraft and astronauts, the prevention of harmful interference with space activities”
Thus, began the private aerospace militarization of Low Earth Orbit and the Outer Space regions therein, ie Pirate Rules & the Laws of the Sea


1968 Moon X'mas

“For all the people back on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.’ ”
1968 was an especially turbulent year in the United States.
The Vietnam War was raging.
Both Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated. Protests roiled the Democratic National Convention.
At the end of 1968, when Apollo 8 splashed down, you saw hippies hugging old men in the streets. Something that was unthinkable just six days before that.


Parallel American space programs
By the late 1960s, there were parallel military space programs funnelled thru Black Budget divisions: Rockwell, Martin-Boeing, IBM, Lockheed-McDonnell, Ford Aerospace, Aerojet Electro Systems, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (Northrop-Grumman), Kaman Industries, Rockefeller Company, and Fujika Company
Decision Science Applications, Inc (DSAI)
A massive retrieval & recovery operation into the ancient pre history of Mankind involved scouring the solar system for relics of ultra ancient signs of civilization
Such programs, were designated merely with an
Cosmic Q
MAJI - Level 33
MJ-12 - Level 32
X projects - Level 31
G4S - Level 30-27
NASA became merely the administrative, civilian front under the auspices of U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
Pulsed Scalar & Non Lethal Psychotronics provided Ultra Cosmic recovery & advances in Space Frame propulsion breakthrus
A further parallel strategic reconnaissance, counter-intelligence IS fronted by the spooks eg. bluebook, AATIP, TicTac

Special Studies Group
“RS-85 grew from Project DOLOS in the early 1980s. Its declassification is following its withdrawal from service. It used visual and infra-red light spectrum low observable technology.“
X-planes are a combination of technology demonstrators & reverse engineered ARVs


“NASA must be used to convince the public that our current technology, such as with our very old and decrepit Space Shuttle program, is the best we have, while our military conducts space missions with technology that we can only fantasize about while watching Star Trek.” – USAF Medic, 1980s

Low Earth Orbital Insertion
International recruits for Naval Space Cadre, operating out of Vandenberg AFB practise various orbital insertion and asymmetrical 5th generation warfare tactics in anticipation of physical and alternative conflict resolution method

Vanderburg Secret Spaceport & LCC
"the USAF was abandoning a major space control center in Colorado and a $3.3 billion never-used spaceport at Vandenberg AFB"
- William Broad, August 1989 NYT
SFB is now headquarters to
Vanderburg Space Force & Space Systems Command
Space Launch Delta 30 is assigned here

Vandenberg Space Force Base (SFB) contains 99,604 acres of land, and operates 16 launch facilities as a major range & test facility base to launch payloads into polar earth orbit.
Established as Camp Cooke U.S. Army garrison, August 1941. The installation property was transferred to the U.S. Air Force & subsequently the nation’s West Coast space and missile facility that is now Vandenberg SFB.
The X-20 and X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV-3) tested advanced re-entry Dyno-Soar style technology out of SFB


"A possibility of gravitational force shielding by bulk YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductor". Physica C. 203 (3–4): 441–444
Podkletnov, E; Nieminen, R (December 10, 1992)
1. Solenoids create magnetic field
2. Spinning, super-conducting ceramic ring
3. Liquid Nitrogen acts as coolant
4. Weight reduced by 2% (1kg=980g)

1992 Gravity shielding
Евгений Подклетнов
(Yevgeny Podkletno)
Ceramics engineer
Tampere University of Technology
Demonstrated gravity shielding devices via ceramic superconducting rotating discs
The gravity-modification effect, resulted in a 0.3% to 2% weight reduction
"Someone in the laboratory was smoking a pipe, and the pipe smoke rose in a column above the superconducting disc. So we placed a ball-shaped magnet above the disc"
We found that any object above the disc lost some of its weight, and we found that if we rotated the disc, the effect was increased.
George Muellne
GRASP (Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion)
Documents obtained by Jane's Defence Weekly and seen by the BBC show that Boeing & BAE took Dr Podkletnov's research publication and results seriously
BAE Systems
Project Greenglow


Future Air Complex of Long-Range Aviation
Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Dalney Aviatsii
2009 Tupolev Conceptual design
PAK-DA is a subsonic flying wing with a constant leading-edge angle - similar to X-47B, able to fly a distance of 9,300 miles — without refueling
it has twin-engine design; its engine exhausts simply exit the trailing edge, with a degree of low observability (LO)
its payload features 12 new Kh-BD long-range subsonic cruise missiles


Since 1957, gravity control propulsion research (G projects) involving 14 United States universities and other research centres were hard at work to back engineer such systems, backed by an annual trillion dollar off books USAP (unacknowledged special access projects) redistributed across the aerospace defense industry.
Electrogravitic Systems
Declassified in 1990
Gravity Research Group (1956, February). Electrogravitic systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control (Report GRG 013/56).

Inertial Propulsion
Extreme voltage produces a massive Ionization envelop, thus leaving a comet-like trail moving in unison
The faster the velocity, the longer the ionization trail that delineatss the flight path, including right angle turns
Current ARV's move in excess of 20,000 mph (approx 7 miles per 1.5s without a sonic boom)

Fluxliner ARV
X-21 Dyna-Soar
NAVAL Space Support

Lunar Cargo Mech