Vizdev – The Dead Effect
The dead effect is a vizdev mash up of mass effect meets dead space
Vizdev and games development sometimes seems to be the right opportune perfect blend
of the right moment to spark life, the right words to bring it to life, and
the feasibility of taking it through from conception to a viable product,
that we see as games or movies…
And the rest, is up to the gods…of our day – popular culture
In 2014 our studio had this internal pitch idea of what a potential dead space sequel might be,
jokingly called the dead effect (mash up of mass effect meets dead space) coupled with
equal parts discovery (such as the moment an ancient relic called the stargate was
unveiled in 1994 German-American movie Stargate*) and titled Dead Space monolith.
For one reason or another, this never got to see the light of day, to the right folks, and thus…
Here are some of the ideas (and dev notes) in homage of the spirit of Visceral living on!
* * *
The idea of a Mass Relay or Stargate in popular entertainment and culture is actually a
well beloved esoteric concept representing the Alpha & Omega.
NB: * In the movie Stargate, a lovely easter egg was the ancient symbol of the OMEGA
(representation of a zeroth point)
This is actually the embodiment of esoteric elements of the Alpha & Omega
encapsulated with the design of the OMEGA (penetrated by a central point – circumpunct;
with emanating rays/plasma filaments projecting inwards-outward)
Through this OMEGA (zeroth) point – its intrepid travellers were enabled to travel
from one region to another (via a beginning and end point in time space)
i.e. A(lef)—> B(eth), or Alpha to Omega.
This is best embodied in the early NASA logos)